Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14

Namaste (hello)
Apologizes for this late post, the past couple days have been quite hectic. After 39(ish) hours of airplanes, buses, and taxis we finally made it to Mussoorie. The taxi ride was adventurous, swerving between cars and incessant honking as we sped up the Himalayas toward our destination. The afternoon we spent in a exhausted haze, forcing ourselves to stay awake till 8 (to adjust to the time). Today, however, we all awoke rejuvenated, excited about the days work. The girls and boys separated, the latter going to a school in Mussoorie. There, they enjoyed playing with the children and spreading the gospel. The girls trekked for an hour down a mountainous path into a rural village to have a womens conference. There we shared testimonies, painted nails, and sang praise songs in both Hindi and English. Tomorrow, the team will be splitting into two groups, one hiking to Jordi and the other driving to Sanji. There we will be doing light construction projects. Continue to keep the teams health and safety in your prayers. To be continued...

-Katie Franklin


  1. Dear India Team...Thanks for the update. We are praying for you and looking forward to the amazing things that God will do. Please tell our sweet friends Karen and Shannon we love them! God bless you all...♫

    In Christ,
    The Eiman Family

  2. Dear OLU India Team,
    Have been so anxious to hear from you and how you all survived the trek to India. Sounds like it was an adventure straight from Indiana Jones!Glad to hear the team made it safe and sound! Looking forward to reading your daily blogs amd how you are helping the people of India! May God bless you and keep you all safe! Love that blogger! Fondly, Ellen,John, and Sarah Franklin

  3. thankful to hear just a piece of your trip! give kimberly and kristy a hug from me! praying for all of you(even though i don't know most of you!)
